
Umuleri Road, Kudenda, Off Ideal Flour Mills
Bye-Pass - Kaduna, Nigeria.


Imperial School - Parent Teachers Association

The proper upbringing of students is a joint and shared responsibility of parents and the school. Parents should therefore complement the efforts of the school and should not limit their roles to meeting the financial obligation of their wards alone. All parents or guardians could contact the school through the various contact media. The school expects the parents to make enquiries on issues that concern their wards.

The PTA of Imperial School is very active. Every parent is an automatic member. PTA meeting are held once a term on the closing day of the term, and such meetings provide veritable fora for parents to discuss issues of general interest to students, members, and the school at large. It provides an avenue through which parents can contribute to the development of the school. The PTA on one such instance initiated, the building of the school fence before management took it over. It completed the project of extending telephone services to the school with assistance from school management. Recently the PTA assisted by the management purchased a 36 seater capacity Nissan Civilian bus for school use.

Members of the PTA have on individual capacities made many donations in the form of cash, books, equipment, chemicals appliances etc to the school and members have streets and buildings named after them. Members normally participate in various school events such as sports competitions, tree planting etc.The PTA has an executive council, the membership of which is through an election by the general body. The role of the council like that of the general body is supportive. Parents are advised and encouraged to be regular at PTA meetings. No parent is allowed to see any student until the meeting is over.

Visiting Days

The official visiting day to the SECOND SUNDAY of every month in the term. Visiting time is 12.00 noon to 6.00pm. In the event of a PTA meeting however, students can only be taken away when the meeting is over. Students HOSTELS are RESTRICTED AREAS and parents are not expected to visit student at the hostels. It is also forbidden to visit students outside the visiting days. However the school recognizes the exigence and necessity of certain visits. In this regard, any parents or guardian who wishes to see any student during school hours must report to the vice principal / duty master to state reasons for the visit. The VP or duty master shall on consideration send for the student if need be. Parents and guardians who wish to see students after school hour and at weekends must see the duty master first. On no account should parents enter student hostels or class room to see students. Apart from enabling parents to reunite with wards to see to their welfare, the day provides opportunities for parents to monitor the academic progress of their wards. Parents are expected to inspect students notes and ask to see their marked scripts etc. Parents may therefore wish to see the principal on any issues. The school will not allow non parents to visit students except where previous introductions have been made. Parents could phone the School for good reasons and students are forbidden from making telephone calls. The School only could make calls to parents on emergencies.

School Anthem

Imperial school of kudenda
Is a school of excellence
Moving forward toward greatness
For the good of our nation
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such
North, south, east, west, come together
To this land of great beauty
We will strive to keep our motto
Discipline and knowledge
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such.

School Pledge

I pledge to God to imperial my school
My parent, teacher, and fellow student
I shall not fight
I shall not smoke
Nor take any alcohol
Nor any prohibited drugs
I shall work hard to justify
The resources made by my parents
And my school
I shall not belong to any secret cult
I shall not cheat in any examination
So help me God