
Umuleri Road, Kudenda, Off Ideal Flour Mills
Bye-Pass - Kaduna, Nigeria.

About Us

Imperial Schools News & Events

Community and Social Development

The relationship between Imperial School and its immediate host community is very cordial. The School contributed immensely towards the provision of a 200KVA electricity transformer for the village. The School authorities also undertook regular road rehabilitation within the village. Many of our staff are recruited from the village. The school has been invited to many community functions were reasonably contributions are made towards community development. Furthermore, the School operates various schemes such as Youth Camps during holidays to keep restive youths busy. There are other major programs targeted at the society at large, these include:

Scholarship Awards

Over 45 students are benefitting from our scholarship and neighbourhood scheme. Most of the beneficiaries are from the less privileged families. There are others from community leaders, staff children and brilliant students who excel in class work etc. The award cuts across various divides and students are usually drawn from all parts of the country. The school budgets quite a lot of money every year to cater for these awards.

Youth Skill Development

This is a practical program aimed at imparting skills on unemployed youths from the immediate community. The program covers masonry, carpentry, plumbing etc. There are over 10 graduates from this program already. During apprenticeship, applicants are supervised by more experienced hands and are paid little stipends. These stipends increase gradually as applicants master the arts. Most of the graduates are now fully engaged in their various trades and are earning good living. The school plans to upgrade the program to cater for more interested applicants. The program has surely helped to reduce unemployment and attendant crime in society.

Youth Sports

Sports has become a unifying factor across the world. Accordingly, Imperial School has shown interest in grass root sports development. The school has budgeted a reasonable amount of money in recruiting budding players and coaches for the planned School Amateur Football Club. The club is planned for launch in due course.

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School Anthem

Imperial school of kudenda
Is a school of excellence
Moving forward toward greatness
For the good of our nation
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such
North, south, east, west, come together
To this land of great beauty
We will strive to keep our motto
Discipline and knowledge
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such
Imperial school is a model
We will strive to keep as such.

School Pledge

I pledge to God to imperial my school
My parent, teacher, and fellow student
I shall not fight
I shall not smoke
Nor take any alcohol
Nor any prohibited drugs
I shall work hard to justify
The resources made by my parents
And my school
I shall not belong to any secret cult
I shall not cheat in any examination
So help me God